- 6,000 Years of the Bible
[G. S. Wegener]
©1963 Thames and Hudson Ltd Harper & Row
352 pages 19 chapters.
Excellent overview and interesting reading with
lots of illustrations.
- The Ancestry of our English Bible
[Ira Maurice Price]
©1956 Harper & Brothers Harper & Brothers
363 pages 25 chapters.
Good information about Bible history.
Two-thirds of the book deals with events before Wycliffe.
- The Authority of the Bible
[Jack Cottrell]
©1975 Jack Cottrell Baker Book House
94 pages 13 chapters.
Short chapters designed for Sunday School or
group study. Internal issues relating to the Bible; not much discussion of Bible history as such.
- The Bible: A Modern Understanding
[J. Lindblom]
©1973 Fortress Press Fortress Press
197 pages 8 chapters.
Marginally liberal.
- The Bible and Modern Scholarship
[Sir Frederic Kenyon]
©1948 Sir Frederic Kenyon John Murray
53 pages 4 chapters.
Small book. Defends the Bible in light of
modern discoveries and modern thinking.
- The Bible and You
[Edward P. Blair]
©1953 Pierce and Washabaugh Abingdon Press
154 pages 8 chapters.
Although marginally liberal in places,
an excellent textbook on how to read and intellectually study the Bible. Very down-to-earth.
- The Bible in the Making
[Geddes MacGregor]
©1959 Geddes MacGregor J. B. Lippincott Company
447 pages 22 chapters.
Excellent Bible history book. Appendix I has
an interesting comparison of a passage in various English translations.
- The Bible Through the Ages
[Robert V. Huber, Editor]
©1996 Reader's Digest Association Reader's Digest Association
384 pages 15 sections.
Complete Bible history from original writings
to today. Easy reading and full of excellent illustrations.
- The Bible Today
©1955 Harper & Brothers Harper & Brothers
208 pages 29 articles.
Articles run the gamut from the Language of the
Old Testament to various English Bible versions.
- Bible Words in Living Language
[Luther A. Weigle]
©1957 Thomas Nelson & Sons Thomas Nelson & Sons
100 pages 79 sections.
An explanation of English words in the KJV
that have changed their meaning or become archaic.
- The Book of the Bible
[Riedel, Tracy & Moskowitz]
©1979 William Morrow & Company William Morrow & Company
524 pages 58 chapters.
A little bit about everything. Where else will
you find how to build a cherubim?
- The Books and the Parchments
[F. F. Bruce]
©1984 F. F. Bruce Fleming H. Revell Company
289 pages 19 chapters.
Any book by F.F.Bruce is excellent.
- The Canon of Scripture
[F. F. Bruce]
©1988 F. F. Bruce InterVarsity Press
349 pages 23 chapters.
Ditto the comment on the previous book.
- The Canon of the Old Testament
[Herbert Edward Ryle]
©1895 MacMillan & Company MacMillan & Company
316 pages 12 chapters.
An old (1895!) college textbook.
- The Church -- A Pictorial History
[Edward Rice]
©1961 A.M.D.G. Publishing Company Farrar, Straus & Cudahy
268 pages 17 chapters.
History of the Church through the Reformation.
Lots of B&W photos.
- A Complete Guide to Bible Versions
[Phillip W. Comfort, Ph.D.]
©1991 Phillip W. Comfort Tyndale House Publishers
145 pages 8 chapters.
About half the book is about modern translations.
- English Bible Versions
[Philip W. Comfort, Ph.D.]
©2000 Tyndale House Publishers Tyndale House Publishers
51 pages 6 sections.
Small book. Brief summaries of all major
English translations from before Wycliffe to the New Living Translation.
- From God to Us
[Geisler & Nix]
©1974 Moody Bible Institute Moody Press
255 pages 20 chapters.
Discussion of Bible history, mainly before
the 5th Century.
- A General Introduction to the Bible
[David Ewert]
©1983 David Ewert Zondervan Publishing House
284 pages 20 chapters.
Excellent general-purpose Bible history book.
This covers just about everything. When researching anything, this book is always where I start.
- God's Word in our Language
[Robert G. Torbet]
©1963 The Judson Press The Judson Press
128 pages 13 chapters.
For adult Sunday School classes.
- God's Word Written
[J. C. Wenger]
©1966 Herald Press Herald Press
155 pages 6 chapters.
Discussion on the nature of Biblical
revelation, inspiration and authority.
- The Gospels: Their Origin & Growth
[Frederick C. Grant]
©1957 Frederick C. Grant Harper & Brothers
216 pages 12 chapters.
- A History of Biblical Literature
[Hugh J. Schonfield]
©1962 Schonfield Services Ltd. New American Library
223 pages 12 chapters.
- A History of the English Bible
[Jonathan Underwood]
©1983 Standard Publishing Company Standard Publishing Company
95 pages 13 chapters.
Just flies -- very short chapters. Covers much
material very broadly. Designed for Sunday School use.
- History of the New Testament in Plain Language
[Clayton Harrop]
©1984 Word Incorporated World Books Publisher
158 pages 8 chapters.
Mainly scribal practice, textual criticism and
canonization of the New Testament.
- Holy Writings -- Sacred Text
[John Barton]
©1997 John Barton Westminster John Knox Press
210 pages 5 chapters.
- How Came the Bible?
[Edgar J. Goodspeed]
©1968 Foster B. Rhodes & Stephan S. Goodspeed Abingdon Press
142 pages 13 chapters.
Generalized study of Bible history. Designed
for Sunday School or group study.
- How our Bible Came to Us
[H. G. G. Herklots]
©1954 H. G. G. Herklots Oxford University Press
174 pages 11 chapters.
Lots on early texts and manuscripts
- How the Bible Became a Book
[Terry Hall]
©1990 SP Publications, Inc. Victor Books
156 pages 12 chapters.
Quick overview. Chapters are short. Designed
for Sunday School or group study.
- How the Bible Grew
[Thomas Taylor Faichney]
©1954 Canadian Council of Churches Canadian Council of Churches
72 pages 10 chapters.
General Bible history book. Designed for
Sunday School or group study.
- How We Got the Bible
[Neil R. Lightfoot]
©1988 Neil R. Lightfoot Baker Book House
167 pages 13 chapters.
For Sunday School or group study. Fast Paced.
Excellent layman's explanation of textual criticism.
- The Indestructible Book
[Ken Connolly]
©1996 W. Kenneth Connolly Baker Books
192 pages 6 chapters.
Excellent book that traces Bible history
from the time of Jesus through today. Highly illustrated.
- Interpreting the Old Testament
[Daniel Harrington, S.J.]
©1991 The Order of St. Benedict The Liturgical Press
160 pages 10 chapters.
- Introducing the Bible
[William Barclay]
©1972 Bible Reading Fellowship Abingdon Press
141 pages 6 chapters.
General overview of Bible history and how to
study the Bible.
- Introductory Guide to the Old Testament
[Merrill F. Unger]
©1951 Zondervan Publishing House Zondervan Publishing House
420 pages 14 chapters.
Heavy reading -- like a college text. First
a general look at the Old Testament, then a look at each book.
- Journey of the Bible
[Irving L. Jensen]
©1990 Irving L. Jensen World Wide Publications
127 pages 6 chapters.
Well done. Interestingly organized.
- The King James Version Debate
[D. A. Carson]
©1979 Baker Book House Company Baker Book House
128 pages 9 chapters.
Attempts to show that the KJV is no longer
the best English version. A little heavy, but interesting.
- Learning to Know the Bible
[David Schroeder]
©1966 Faith and Life Press Faith and Life Press
112 pages 10 chapters.
Designed for Sunday School or group study.
Covers the history of the Bible, including inspiration and interpretation.
- The Making of the Bible
[William Barclay]
©1961 William Barclay Abingdon Press & Lutterworth Press
96 pages 3 chapters.
Very early Bible history, including Old
Testament history. Ends with Eusibus.
- The Making of the English New Testament
[Edgar Goodspeed]
©1925 University of Chicago University of Chicago Press
129 pages 10 chapters.
- The Making of the New Testament
[Arthur G. Patzia]
©1995 Arthur G. Patzia Inter-Varsity Press
205 pages 7 chapters.
Although a little heavy in parts, this
is scholarly, yet interesting.
- The Making of the Old Testament
[Enid B. Mellor, Editor]
©1972 Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press
214 pages 6 chapters.
Three different authors. They write different
- New Age Bible Versions
[G. A. Riplinger]
©1993 G. A. Riplinger A. V. Publications
690 pages 42 chapters.
It's a 'Battle Royale' -- The KJV against
just about every 20th Century English Version ever published!
- New Testament: Introduction for the General Reader
[Oscar Cullmann]
©1968 Westminster Press Westminster Press
138 pages 9 chapters.
General information as well as information
about each book. Translated from French.
- The New Testament: A Contemporary Introduction
[Stevan L. Davies]
©1988 Stevan Davies Harper & Row
207 pages 9 chapters.
College textbook analyzing the Gospels and
Epistles of the New Testament. Interesting, but liberal.
- New Testament Background: Selected Documents
[C. K. Barrett]
©1961 C. K. Barrett Harper & Row
276 pages 12 chapters.
A college textbook that studies documents about,
or written at the same time as, books in the New Testament.
- New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable?
[F. F. Bruce]
©1992 The Inter-Varsity Fellowship Inter-Varsity Press
128 pages 10 chapters.
Sounds like it would be liberal in viewpoint,
but it's not. Very interesting material.
- New Testament History
[F. F. Bruce]
©1969 F. F. Bruce Doubleday & Company
462 pages 30 chapters.
Generalized history of New Testament times
and early church history.
- The New Testament Octapla
[Luther A. Weigle, Editor]
Printed 1962 Thomas Nelson & Sons
1,489 pages.
Parallel New Testament from Tyndale's Version,
Great Bible, Geneva Bible, Bishops' Bible, Rheims Bible, King James Version, American Standard
Version, and Revised Standard Version. Really neat.
- The Old Documents & the New Bible
[J. Patterson Smyth]
©1890 J. Patterson Smyth James Pott & Company
216 pages 18 chapters.
An old, but interesting discussion of
textual criticism. Many short sections.
- The Origin & Character of the Bible
[Jabez T. Sunderland]
©1936 Jabez T. Sunderland Beacon Press
291 pages 27 chapters.
Heavy reading, but quite interesting.
Most likely a college textbook.
- The Origin of the Bible
[Philip Comfort, Editor]
©1992 Tyndale House Publishers Tyndale House Publishers
308 pages 15 articles.
- Origins of the Gospels
[Floyd V. Filson]
©1938 Floyd V. Filson Abingdon Press
216 pages 7 chapters.
History and textual criticism of the Gospels.
- Our English Bible in the Making
[Herbert Gordon May]
©1952 W. L. Jenkins The Westminster Press
154 pages 10 chapters.
- The Romance of Bible Scripts & Scholars
[John H. P. Reumann]
©1965 Prentice-Hall Prentice-Hall
248 pages 8 chapters.
Interesting off-the-wall information and stories
not found elsewhere.
- Roots of Christianity
[Michael Walsh]
©1986 Roxby Reference Books Grafton Books
256 pages 11 chapters.
History of the Church through the Third Century
- A Short Introduction to the Gospels
[Ernest DeWitt Burton]
©1904 Ernest DeWitt Burton University of Chicago Press
144 pages 5 chapters.
Textbook. Rather liberal.
- So Many Versions?
[Kubo & Specht]
©1983 Zondervan Corporation Zondervan Publishing House
401 pages 20 chapters.
Summary of all major 20th Century English
language versions. Well done.
- The Story of the Apocrypha
[Edgar J. Goodspeed]
©1939 University of Chicago University of Chicago Press
150 pages 18 chapters.
Brief summary of the Apocrypha in general and
summaries of the contents of each book.
- Strange Facts About the Bible
[Webb Garrison]
©1968 Webb Garrison Pillar Books
350 pages 16 chapters.
Small, half-page articles on just about
anything relating to the Bible. Interesting.
- The Study of the Bible
[Ernest Cadman Colwell]
©1937 University of Chicago University of Chicago Press
186 pages 6 chapters.
Moderately liberal viewpoint. Christianity is
referred to as "the cult" (!)
- Testament: The Bible & History
[John Romer]
©1988 John Romer Henry Holt & Company
367 pages 7 chapters.
- The Text & Canon of the New Testament
[Alexander Souter]
©1920 Charles Scribner's Sons Charles Scribner's Sons
254 pages 18 chapters.
10 chapters on text; 8 chapters on canon.
College textbook written by scholars for scholars, but not a bad book.
- The Text of the Old Testament
[Ernst Würthwein]
©1979 Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing
246 pages 16 chapters.
Lots of illustrations of manuscripts in the back.
Text is slow-going, partly because it has been translated from German.
- Thirteen Lessons on Church History
[Morris Womack]
©1990 College Press Publishing College Press Publishing
166 pages 13 chapters.
For Sunday School or group study.
Good, basic church history from Pentecost to the Reformation.
- Toward Understanding the Bible
[Georgia Harkness]
©1954 Georgia Harkness Abingdon Press
138 pages 5 chapters.
General overview of how and why the Bible
was written. Also included: "Great Ideas of the Bible."
- What Is the Bible
[Henri Daniel-Rops]
©1958 Hawthorn Books Hawthorn Books
128 pages 12 chapters.
A little bit of everything. Written from a
Roman Catholic viewpoint.
- What the Bible Can Mean For You
[Reginald W. Deitz]
©1962 Muhlenberg Press Muhlenberg Press
52 pages 4 chapters.
- Which Bible?
[David Otis Fuller, D.D.]
©1975 Grand Rapids International Publications
Grand Rapids International Publications 350 pages 23 chapters.
Discussion of very early versions and a close
look at textual criticism.
- The Wisdom of the Fathers
[Erik Routley]
©1957 Erik Routley Westminster Press
128 pages 8 chapters.
Each chapter is about an early church leader.